“Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be wealthy mature professionals living in large houses. These are known as type 1 in the ACORN classification and 1.7% of the UK’s population live in this type”
Extracts from ‘UpMyStreet’ which gives a profile to locations around the UK. View profile on upmystreet.com
Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be wealthy mature professionals living in large houses. These are known as type 1 in the ACORN classification and 1.7% of the UK’s population live in this type.
Neighbourhoods fitting this profile are found in large numbers in the Home Counties, especially in South Buckinghamshire, Surrey (Guildford and Kingston-upon-Thames), Hertfordshire (Watford and St Albans) and Cheshire (Macclesfield).
This type of postcode encompasses the most affluent people in the UK. They live in wealthy, high status suburban and semi-rural neighbourhoods, particularly in the Home Counties. Most are highly qualified professionals, senior executives and business owners, often in their 40s and 50s.
They tend to live in large detached houses with four or more bedrooms, many of which are owned outright. These households often have more than two cars, at least one of which is likely to be a high value company car.
Unsurprisingly, given their affluence and occupations, these individuals are financially sophisticated, investing directly in stocks and shares as well as unit trusts, bonds and other forms of investments. Technologically literate, they are confident home PC users. The internet is a popular channel for purchases and financial transactions, including on-line banking.
There is a high level of readership of the Financial Times as well as the other quality broadsheets.
Golf is a popular leisure pursuit. Two holidays a year are common, perhaps one long haul destination and a week on the ski slopes. These consumers have a well developed interest in the arts, classical music and opera as well as enjoying fine wine and gourmet food. They are likely to have charitable interests, often using tax-efficient covenants and direct debit payments to make their donations.