Cashback incentive aims to boost reusable nappy take-up
Cashback incentive aims to boost reusable nappy take-up
Daventry District Council (DDC) is offering mums and dads an incentive to try reusable nappies as Real Nappy Week gets underway.
The Council is offering £25 cashback to anyone who spends £75 or more on reusable cloth nappies. It is hoped the initiative will encourage families in the District to make the switch from disposables, saving them money, freeing up space in their general waste bin, and helping the environment.
Real Nappy Week is taking place this week from 22 to 27 April and is being supported by hundreds of organisations across the country including DDC. Real nappies are so-called because they are made from natural materials, usually cotton, and do not contain gels or chemicals. They come in a range of styles, are machine washable and can be used again and again.
It is estimated that using real nappies could save parents £500 per child compared to using disposables, as well as reducing the amount of waste going to landfill.
Families who are unsure whether real nappies would be suitable for them can also try before they buy by borrowing a free nappy loan kit, available from Daventry Library.
DDC’s incentive scheme runs until July this year – to find out more and how to claim your £25 cashback, please visitwww.daventrydc.gov.uk/
For advice about real nappies please phone The Real Nappy Information Service on 0845 8500606.