Consultation on options for the Rushmere Road Cycle Lane
Consultation on options for the Rushmere Road Cycle Lane
Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) are seeking the views of local residents, road users and other relevant groups on changes to the temporary light segregation on the southbound (downhill) cycle lane on Rushmere Road in Northampton. The aim of light segregation is to make the route attractive and safer for cyclists.
We would like to hear your views on the four proposed options – plans of each of the proposed options, including illustrations of the wands and orcas and other relevant documents, are available on the NCC Consultation Hub.
If you have any questions or enquires about the Rushmere Road Cycle Lane Consultation, please contact RushmereRoad@northamptonshire.gov.uk.
Give Us Your Views
Please give your views through the Rushmere Road Cycle Lane Consultation page.
The consultation closes at midnight on Friday 27 November 2020.