Council launch £260k grants scheme to support local infrastructure organisations in West Northants
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has launched a new £260k grant funding scheme which aims to support local infrastructure organisations address the needs of third sector organisations to develop and grow in West Northants.
Local infrastructure organisations incorporate a diverse range of services including community groups, voluntary organisations, faith and equalities groups, charities, social enterprises, co-operatives, community interest companies and housing associations.
This grant funding will be available over the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26 for eligible projects or services and incorporates £50k of funding from Central Government via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
The types of initiatives that will be considered for the grant funding will play a crucial role in enhancing the wellbeing of individuals and communities by promoting:
- Leadership and advocacy: to bring together and strengthen diverse groups and marginalised communities and give them a voice to influence key decisions that affect our communities.
- Partnerships and Collaborations: to create opportunities and drive effective joint working through building partnerships, both at a local level but also strategic relationships enabling communities to be prepared for project development as well as in times of crisis.
- Capacity Building: to provide organisations with access to practical support and resources to allow for strong foundations so that our local voluntary and community sector can thrive and build resilience.
- Volunteering: to enable people to build connections and work together around subject matters of interest whilst driving positive changes locally.
Eligible projects can be new or existing initiatives or services, or expansions of existing projects or services, and can be operated by a single provider or run in partnership or via collaborative working. Projects must operate, or be prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire and support the council in achieving one or more of its corporate priorities.
Cllr David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Engagement, and Regulatory Services at West Northamptonshire Council, said: “This funding is specifically for organisations who enable communities to influence decisions and provide them with a voice and a platform to be heard. It’s for those who encourage volunteering opportunities and ultimately support our wonderful Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector to deliver projects that really matter to people’s daily lives.
“I urge all eligible organisations to apply for this grant funding and get support with the continued delivery of initiatives which help our residents get the most out of living in West Northamptonshire and play a crucial role in enhancing our local infrastructure offer.”
The grant funding will initially be in place for a two-year period and will be eligible for renewal and/or revision after that period. Organisations are invited to apply for the funding by Monday 11 March, 2024 via the WNC website.
Further information and the full criteria for applications can be found in the Council’s Community Funding Grants Framework.
If you would like an application form or wish to speak to the Community Funding Grants Team about your project or your eligibility to apply for this grant, email: communitygrants@