Daventry DC Community grants available
Daventry DC grants are available for community groups from the parish.
- Community project grants are worth up to £1,000 and can be used for the purchase of small items of equipment or to cover training or volunteer expenses. Examples of what has been funded in the past include: IT equipment, new furniture for village halls, new kit for junior sports clubs, and training expenses for first aiders and football coaches.
- One-off community event grants are worth up to £500 and is to cover the up-front costs of putting on a community event. Examples of what has been funded in the past include: village fetes and festivals, sports club open days, firework displays and Christmas pantos. Community events usually provide an opportunity for a number of community groups to come together and raise funds for themselves – as well as giving people a good time!
The grant application form can be found here (Parish Council Other Documents).