Daventry DC set up meeting to discuss climate emergency
Daventry DC set up meeting to discuss climate emergency
People are invited to a meeting to explore what can be done in Daventry District to help prevent climate change.
The event, which takes place at Daventry District Council’s (DDC) Lodge Road offices from 7-8.30pm on Monday 11 November, has been organised by a task panel of councillors who are exploring what can be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the District.
The panel wants to hear people’s views on the action that DDC, Daventry Town Council, parish councils, voluntary organisations and residents can take reduce our carbon footprint.
There will be contributions from local organisations and activists concerned with climate change, followed by an open discussion on what should be done in Daventry District.
The cross-party task panel consists of Councillors Ken Ritchie, Jonathan Harris and Rupert Frost and was set up by DDC in July to consider how the Council can further reduce the environmental impact of its own activities, as well as encourage others to make improvements.
The panel is consulting experts in a range of fields in the course of its research, including climate change, sustainable housing and renewable energy, with a view to producing a final report containing its recommendations in the New Year.
The meeting on 11 November is open to anyone who is interested. It is helpful if those who plan to attend could email KRitchie@daventrydc.gov.uk or phone 07754 165551 ahead of the event to help the panel manage the arrangements, but this is not essential.