Daventry District Council review of Polling Districts, Places and Stations within Daventry District
Daventry District Council review of Polling Districts, Places and Stations within Daventry District
Daventry District Council is conducting a review of Polling Districts, Places and Stations that fall within Daventry District in accordance with Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013.
The review will take place from 8th March 2019 and conclude by no later than 9th August 2019.
The review will seek to establish how suitably placed the polling stations are within each electoral area making specific reference to both disability and accessibility issues.
Electors within Daventry District may make a representation. The Council would welcome the views of all residents, particularly disabled residents, or any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, on the proposals. The deadline for the receipt of comments is 12th April 2019.
Persons making representations should, if possible, give alternative places that may be used as polling places.
The consultation period for the proposed polling stations will take place between 14th May 2019 and 18th June 2019. The proposals will be published on the Councils website and in the Councils offices. The Council welcomes comments from all electors within the district.
As part of the review the (Acting) Returning Officer for the Daventry Constituency will comment on the proposed polling stations. These representations will be published on the Council’s website and offices.
Documents associated with the review may be seen at the Council Offices, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP or on the Council’s website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/pollingplaces
Submissions can be made in writing to – Polling Places Review, Elections team, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP
Or via Survey Monkey – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YRSLYMB