The Daventry & District Forum – free membership
The Daventry & District Forum is an independent body run by the over fifties to enhance the quality of life to those living in Daventry District.
The Management Committee is elected from the membership of The Daventry & District Forum and organises forum meetings to provide information on issues affecting the over fifties as well as campaigning for appropriate action as agreed through consultation with the membership.
The forums provide an opportunity for members to get together and make new friends, while relaxing over a cup of tea and visiting the many promotional stands with lots of advice from different groups. There are also guest speakers providing information on a wide variety of subjects, as well as a raffle. The recent Daventry & District Forum (DDF) on Wednesday 21 September proved to be another great success, with more than 70 people attending listening to informative guest speakers from Northamptonshire Age UK, NHS Foundation Trust, DDC’s Dog Fouling Campaign, First For Wellbeing and Northamptonshire Police.
DDF has more than 700 members throughout the district and joining is free, members receive quarterly newsletters and invitations to the quarterly public forum events.
If you would like to join, an application form and further information can be found at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf