Daventry Town Centre Vision 2035
Daventry Town Centre Vision 2035
The current vision for Daventry Town Centre is reaching the end of its life, and this, combined with the challenges facing the high street and the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, mean there is no better time to see how the town centre should change and evolve to meet these and future challenges. DDC have therefore launched a public consultation to inform a new Town Centre Vision.
The pandemic has also meant they’ve had to think differently about how to carry out the public consultation. Due to the restrictions of social distancing they are taking the consultation online, a new website has been launched at daventry2035.com where you can find out more about the project, take an interactive tour of the town centre, and have your say by completing an online questionnaire. The website is hosted by consultants Troy Planning + Design who have been appointed by Daventry District Council and partners, Daventry Town Council.
Visit the website and complete the questionnaire ….. your views are really important.