DDC: Christmas waste and recycling arrangements
DDC: Christmas waste and recycling arrangements
Daventry District Council’s offices will be closed from Christmas Day until they re-open on Monday 4 January 2021.
Essential services, such as waste and recycling collections and street cleaning will continue over the festive period, and there will also continue to be arrangements in place in the event of an emergency.
Find out more about waste and recycling collections, office opening times and online services below:
Waste and recycling collections
Collection schedules
Collections will continue to take place as usual over the Christmas and New Year period, except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day:
- If your collection is due on Christmas Day (Friday, 25 December) it will instead take place on Sunday, 27 December
- If your collection is due on New Year’s Day (Friday, 1 January) it will instead take place the following day on Saturday, 2 January
Extra recycling collection
During the week beginning Monday 28 December, all households will get an extra collection of their blue-lidded bin on their usual collection day.
Extra recycling will also be collected if it cannot fit into the blue-lidded bin. Please put these items in clear or white bags and place them next to your bin.
Food waste collections
Food waste bins will continue to be collected on their usual weekly schedule. Please remember you can recycle leftover raw and cooked foods, including veg peelings, egg shells, out-of-date food, plate scrapings, solid fats, meat and fish bones. Please do not put any liquids in the caddy.
Garden waste collections
Those subscribed to the service are advised there will a short break in collections during the week beginning 28 December, to allow crews to focus on the extra seasonal recycling.
General waste collections
Black bins containing general waste will continue to be collected as normal on their three-weekly cycle. Please make sure you recycle as much as possible and make use of the extra blue-lidded recycling bin collection, as black bins with raised lids or bags of rubbish left next to your bin will not be collected.
Real Christmas trees
If you have a real Christmas tree you can put it out for collection in the week beginning Monday 11 January.
It should be placed next to your bins on your normal collection day. Those subscribed to the garden waste service can cut the tree up and place it in their garden waste bins if they prefer.
There are no communal collection points for real Christmas trees, but they can be taken to your local household waste recycling centre: https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/waste-and-recycling/where-is-the-nearest-recycling-centre/
What can I recycle?
Find out more information about what can be put in each bin at: https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/waste-and-recycling/what-can-i-recycle/
Keep on top of collections
You can check your collection day and which bins to put out using any of the following methods:
Check the collection calendar we sent you in August
Check your bin day online: https://selfserve.daventrydc.gov.uk/forms/postcodechecker.aspx
Download the free Daventry District Council app from the Apple or Google Play stores
Report a missed collection
Daventry District Council’s offices and Contact Centre will be closed from Christmas Day, reopening on Monday 4 January. During this period any missed collections can be reported via our online self-serve system: https://selfserve.daventrydc.gov.uk/forms/MissedCollections.aspx
Council opening times
Lodge Road council offices
Daventry District Council’s offices will close at 4.30pm on Christmas Eve (Thursday 24 December), reopening at 9am on Monday, 4 January 2021.
Over Christmas, residents can continue to access a range of information and services online: https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/online/
Please note that Jobcentre Plus and Northamptonshire County Council’s Children’s and Young People’s Service will each operate different working hours over Christmas.
Please also be aware that due to Covid-19 there are restrictions on who can enter the Lodge Road offices. It is currently only open to people who are: homeless or threatened with homelessness; in need of a food bank referral; accessing Children and Young People’s services; accessing Job Centre Plus; or vulnerable and in need of help with Universal Credit. Please come to the front door and a member of staff will speak to you from a safe distance
Abbey Advice and Resource Centre
The Abbey will operate its normal office hours up to and including Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24 December). It will then operate the following opening hours:
- Christmas Day through to Monday 28 December (inclusive): Closed
- Tuesday 29 December: Normal opening hours
- Wednesday 30 December: Normal opening hours
- Thursday 31 December: Normal opening hours
- Friday 1 January: Closed
- Saturday 2 January: Closed to tenants only. Open for Library click and collect from 10am to 2pm
- Sunday 3 January: Closed
- Monday 4 January: Normal opening hours