Don’t miss postal vote deadline for European election – tomorrow 8 May at 5pm
Don’t miss postal vote deadline for European election – tomorrow 8 May at 5pm
People living in Daventry District have just one day left to apply to vote by post for the European Parliamentary Election.
Daventry District Council is making preparations for the polling day on 23 May to elect East Midlands MEPs and must receive all applications for postal votes by 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday, 8 May.
To apply for a postal vote email your name and address to electoralservices@daventrydc.gov.uk and a form will be sent to you to complete, sign and send back, either via email or by post. Applications must have reached the Electoral Registration Officer by the deadline.
Due to a shorter timescale for arranging the election, poll cards will be sent out later than usual and residents are urged to make their postal vote applications as soon as possible to ensure they are processed in time.