Four nights of overnight lane closures from 2nd June 2020
Four nights of overnight lane closures from 2nd June 2020
Highways England will be returning to carry out four nights of minor finishing remedial works on the essential maintenance works project between the M1 at junction 19 and the A14 at junction 2 completed earlier in the year.
During this return works, they will:
- clear some sections of vegetation on the verges and in the ditches
- inspect sections of drains and replace some damaged pipes
- replace a section of fencing
When will the work take place?
Over two nights shifts (2 & 3rd June) A14 Westbound starting tonight and two night shifts (4th & 5th June ) A14 Eastbound this Thursday and Friday, so scheduled for completion by 6th June 2020. Their return visit to the A14 will just in be sections of Lane 1 closures with no layby, slip or any other closures involved.
To keep the these works as short as possible and to minimise disruption to local residents, businesses and road users, they’ll deliver the scheme overnight between 8pm and 6am.
This may be subject to change due to weather conditions, unforeseen circumstances and network availability.
As the works will be completed under lane closures, NO ROAD CLOSURES AND DIVERSIONS WILL BE REQUIRED.