Have your Say – West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2022/23 Consultation
West Northamptonshire Consultation Register:
West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2022/23 Consultation
At a meeting held on 21st December, West Northamptonshire Council’s Cabinet approved for consultation its draft budget for 2022-23 and we are now seeking views on these proposals.
We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the Council draft budget.
This consultation will run from Wednesday 22 December until midnight, Tuesday 1 February.
Have your say
Please visit the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub for further information about the West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2022/23 and how to have your say.
If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format (including easy read or large print) you can contact us by email, post or telephone. Our contact details are as follows:
Email address: haveyoursay@westnorthants.gov.uk
Telephone: 0300 126 7000
Postal address:
Budget Consultation Response,
West Northamptonshire Council
One Angel Square
4 Angel Street