Maidwell with Draughton Neighbourhood Developement Plan Consultation by DDC
Maidwell with Draughton Neighbourhood Developement Plan Consultation by DDC
Maidwell with Draughton Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have now submitted the Plan to Daventry District Council. As the local planning authority they are now required to undertake a minimum six week consultation (extended to eight weeks due to the Christmas holiday) to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on whether the submitted plan meets the basic conditions before it goes to examination. The basic conditions are that the plan:
· Must be appropriate having regard to National Policy
· Must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
· Must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
· Must be compatible with human rights requirements
· Must be compatible with EU obligations
Please note that if you previously made comments but still want to participate in a future examination of the plan you MUST submit a response to this consultation. The consultation commences on Monday 10th December 2018 and will close at 5pm on Monday 4th February 2019. We cannot guarantee that representations received after this date will be considered.
You can view all of the documents and access the response form online at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning
Alternatively, hard copies are available to view at the following locations;
· Daventry District Council Offices (Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP)
· The Stag Public House (Harborough Road, Maidwell, NN6 9JA)
· Brixworth Library (Spratton Road, Brixworth, NN6 9DS)
· Market Harborough Library (The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7LT)
How can I submit my comments?
Comments, using the response form available online, can be made electronically or in writing by the following means:
-Email: planningpolicy@daventrydc.gov.uk
-In writing: Local Strategy, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP
You can request to be notified of Daventry District Council’s decision to ‘make’ the plan once an examination and referendum has taken place. Please do so using the response form.
What Happens Next?
Following the consultation period, we will collate the responses received and submit them to the independent examiner who will consider them as part of the examination of the plan. Further information on the different statutory stages of Neighbourhood Plans is available at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/planning-policy/neighbourhood-planning/