NEW Defibrillator – Draughton Clubroom
The Parish Council is currently in the process of installing 2 new defibrillators in Maidwell and Draughton
Locations of these devices are :
Draughton Clubroom (next to the Church), Draughton, NN6 9JQ
Maidwell – Coming Soon
There is currently a defibrillator located at The Stag pub, Harborough Road, Maidwell, NN6 9JA
This may be removed in the future once the new units are installed.
Both will be registered on The Circuit, the National Defibrillator Network, once fully up and running.
In an emergency please call 999
The ambulance service will know where these devices are located and will provide the relevant codes.
The Parish Council is looking into organising training for residents. Details of this will be published shortly.