New measures to protect heritage of villages – Clipston and Long Buckby
New measures to protect heritage of villages – Clipston and Long Buckby
New conservation areas have been designated in Long Buckby and Clipston as part of a project to protect the architectural and historic interest parishes across Daventry District.
District councillors also approved amendments to existing conservation areas in Creaton, Badby, Great Brington and Preston Capes.
A number of individual buildings across the five parishes were ‘locally listed’, and there are proposals to put in place an Article 4 direction to protect historic features on a range of properties in the villages.
Appraisal and management plans for the conservation areas were also adopted as supplementary planning documents, meaning they will be used to help determine planning decisions in those parishes in future.
The measures were agreed by Daventry District Council (DDC) during it final meeting of Full Council on Thursday 18 March, and will continue to be in effect under the new West Northamptonshire Council which will replace DDC this Thursday (1 April).
They are part of a wider programme of reviews of the District’s conservation areas, which put in place tighter planning controls for anyone seeking permission to alter or demolish a building, or carry out work to trees, in order to maintain the special interest of the area.
A total of 27 reviews have now been completed since the programme began, helping to protect the architectural and historic interest of parishes across Daventry District.
More information about the conservation areas will be available from www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ConservationAreas
Anyone with questions about planning controls should contact the Council’s Development Control department.