News from Maidwell – May 2024
All news can be found here on the Parish Magazine page
News from Maidwell – May 2024
Church Services
5 May Family Service 11:00 am
19 May Holy Communion 11:00 am
2 June Family Service 11:00 am
16 June Holy Communion 11:00 am
The family service is for all the benefice and beyond- the more families the better.
Events for the diary
National Open Gardens – Sunday 19 May and Sunday 21 July 10am-5pm, Nightingale Cottage and Wyatts, where teas, coffees, cakes and sandwiches will be served.
Cancelled, not enough interest – Dog Show – Saturday 15 June 12-4pm – more details to follow. If anyone would like to help with this, please let Amanda know.
The Loder Hall
Forthcoming events
- Annual General Meeting – Saturday 27 April, 10.30am at the Loder Hall. Villagers are most welcome to attend.
- Quiz night and fish ‘n’ chip supper – Saturday 11 May, 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Tickets will be £16.00 and are available from Ann Rabjohn: 01604 686967 or 07939 124521
- Summer BBQ – Saturday 10 August. Further information to follow.
Additional events may be organised, keep a lookout on the village WhatsApp group and Facebook page.
The Loder Hall, tables, chairs etc are available for hire at a reasonable rate.
The Hall is great spaces for private events, meetings, classes etc. Please contact Ann on 01604 686967 or 07939 124521 for further information and booking details.
The Loder Hall is a registered charity and is entirely self-funding via hire charges, social events and occasional donations. It receives no funding from the local authority.
Parish Council
At our last meeting on 13 March, we agreed to purchase two defibrillators: one for Draughton which currently does not have one and a new one for Maidwell, which will be very visibly located at the Loder Hall, with thanks to the Loder Hall Committee. We would like to express our thanks to Rob Willoughby at The Stag for housing the current machine, which is being donated to the pub. Both machines have been purchased with the help of a grant from the Government Community Fund as well as funds we had budgeted for and are important assets for the villages to have.
New website
Please go and have a look at the new Maidwell with Draughton parish website. This is now fully operational and you can find all the Parish Council news and papers there as well as updates from Maidwell-being and other local news. The website can be found at and you can subscribe for regular updates to go into your inbox.
You can find all the contact details for your local councillors on the site and please do let us have your feedback. If you would like any news items adding to the website then please contact
Neighbourhood Plan
It is five years since our Plan was created. Pete Redman joined our meeting, having reviewed these first five years for us. You can read the update in the minutes for the meeting.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 8 May at 7.30pm. All residents are welcome to join for that or the regular meeting which will take place afterwards (approximately 7.45pm).
Our next meeting will be on Saturday 11 May in the Loder Hall from 10am-12noon. We will be having a representative from Climate Action West Northants to discuss what West Northants is doing about climate control, as well as sharing what some other local groups are doing/have done. Can we get away from consumerism and move towards community?
Contacts: Amanda (07707 530720), Lynne (07785 790265), Paul (07710 096590), Mary (07703 291169) and Fiona (07903 137219)
Maidwell Wombles
A big THANK YOU to all those who wombled in April – Alan, Andrew M, Andrew S, Colin, David, Julie, Lynne, Mick and Steve. Between them they collected 19 bags of rubbish and found half a car! Well done to all!
If you would like to join us, even if just for one session a year, it would help enormously – please contact Colin on 07771 806094.
The forthcoming dates (weather permitting) are: Friday 10 May (10am), Friday 7 June (10am), Saturday 6 July (9am), Saturday 3 August (9am), Saturday 6 September (10am), Saturday 5 October (9am), Saturday 2 November (9am) and Friday 6 December (9am).
Dog waste
As noted on the village WhatsApp group, there has been an increase in dog waste around the village. As it is an offence not to clear up after your dog in public areas, please ensure that you remove any waste and take it home for disposal. The supply of further dog waste bins has been noted for discussion by the Parish Council.
Maidwell Primary School
As I write, we are preparing for our final assembly at the end of this second spring term and are about to embark on our Easter break.
With signs of the weather gradually improving we have already managed to spend some time outside on our playing field. When we return after the holidays, we will hopefully enjoy our outdoor space even more.
Our summer terms, once we have the SATs completed, will include our residential for the Key Stage 2 children and our whole school performance at the end of the school year with lots of learning and play throughout.