Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation
Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation
Northamptonshire County Council has launched a consultation on the Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and is seeking views from the public.
The Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan supports an ambition for Northampton to become a leading centre for active travel, which fully embraces walking and cycling. The document outlines the walking and cycling measures that could be introduced to transform levels of walking and cycling in the town.
Cllr Jason Smithers, county council cabinet member for Highways and Place, said: “It’s a really exciting time for cycling and walking in Northamptonshire. The Emergency Active Travel Fund has enabled us to investigate and trial light segregation, but it is clear from the feedback we received from the Commonplace consultation that people also want to see permanent solutions to improve the environment for those walking and cycling.
“This is the first Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan to be published in Northamptonshire and follows the methodology set out by government. It outlines our future plans and it’s really important in placing us in the best possible position to benefit from funding in the future.
“Encouraging people to do more walking and cycling for local journeys not only brings huge health and wellbeing benefits, but also improves air quality and helps to reduce congestion.”
The Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan includes a summary of the analysis work undertaken, a network plan which identifies the preferred routes and core walking zones for further development, alongside a prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment.
The Council is looking for people’s views on the scope of the document, its approach and whether any changes are needed to the schemes proposed to ensure that they meet the new cycling design guidance LTN 1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design.
Have your say
For details of how to comment and to read the document please go to the Consultation Hub, where you will also be able to access our online questionnaire.
The consultation closes at midnight on 23 October 2020.