Northamptonshire County Council 2018-19 Budget Consultation: Phase 2
Northamptonshire County Council 2018-19 Budget Consultation: Phase 2 is now live. This includes consultation on the level of Council Tax they propose to set for 2018/19 and more savings and income generation proposals (adding up to a value of £24.7m) on how they will manage next year’s budget. It also includes the draft Council Plan 2018-19 to 2019-20, which sets out their vision for how they will deliver services and be financially sustainable.
Your feedback on this consultation is really important, and all consultation feedback from both phases will be analysed and considered, and will help Councillors make a final decision on the Budget at the Full Council meeting on 22nd February 2018. This meeting is held in public and anyone wishing to speak at the meeting must contact Customer Services on T: 0300 126 1000.
The consultation on Phase 2 of the budget proposals covered by this survey will start on 20th December 2017 and end on 30th January 2018.
How to give your views
They want to hear your views about the proposals. Please read the related documents to gain a better understanding of the budget proposals before you comment on them. The Phase 2 Budget Proposals are listed on the Draft Budget webpage, and Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs) have been prepared for those budget proposals that may have an impact on service users and/or the wider community.
Please visit their web site for all of the different ways you can give your feedback to these proposals, including their online questionnaire and details of their public events.
This consultation closes on 30th January 2018.