Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment consultation
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment consultation
The aim of the Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board is to secure better health and wellbeing outcomes in the region, better quality of care for all patients and care users, and better value for the taxpayer. In doing so, it brings together the NHS, local councils, the Police and other services.
The Health and Wellbeing Board is under a statutory obligation to draft, consult upon and publish a pharmaceutical needs assessment in accordance with the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. The pharmaceutical needs assessment is designed to assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services (i.e. those services that NHS England commissions from pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractors), have regard to any specified future circumstance where the current position may materially change and identify any current and future gaps in pharmaceutical services. The pharmaceutical needs assessment assists NHS England in determining applications by pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractors for new, additional or relocated premises, changes to opening hours or the provision of more pharmaceutical services.
As part of this process, the Health and Wellbeing Board is conducting a consultation process on the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment and seeks your views on the document which covers the provision of pharmaceutical services for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021.
They welcome your views in order to assist them assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services in Northamptonshire. In order to help you provide feedback please first read the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment document. Please contact them if you are unable to access the web version of the pharmaceutical needs assessment.
You can give your views by completing the online questionnaire.
This consultation closes on 11th February 2018.
If you would like more information about the questionnaire or have questions on how to complete the questionnaire, please emailcharlotte.goodson@pcc.nhs.uk