Programme to forge new links between schools and businesses
Programme to forge new links between schools and businesses
Businesses and schools across Daventry District are invited to an event that aims to build on important links being forged between schools and workplaces.
Daventry District Council (DDC) has joined forces with SEMLEP for the Developing Your Future Workforce event, which will show local businesses how they can benefit from providing opportunities for young people to experience the world of work.
That could mean anything from a one-off site visit, a lecture, mock interviews through to shadowing, work placement and apprenticeships.
Companies are invited to attend the event at the iCon Innovation Centre from 11am to 1pm on Friday 10 May, to find out more about proposals for a work experience programme to run in Daventry District during the 2019-20 academic year.
Businesses and schools across Daventry District that wish to book a place at the event on 10 May should contact DDC’s Strategic Economic Development Officer Mark Pople on 01327 302441 or email mpople@daventrydc.gov.uk