Proposed relocation of Daventry Library
Proposed relocation of Daventry Library
Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) wants to know your views about the proposed relocation from the current library building to the Abbey Advice and Resource Centre (The Abbey Centre).
Daventry Library currently occupies a former school building in the town centre which is owned by Daventry District Council (DDC).
The current site is in a poor condition and is no longer an ideal venue for Library Services. DDC would like to develop the site, which has led to the need for NCC to look for alternative premises for the library. DDC has offered NCC the use of most of the ground floor of the Abbey Centre, which is less than half a mile away from the current library building.
The Abbey Centre is a purpose built facility which is shared by voluntary sector partners who provide services that could be complimented by the services offered in the library.
Although the floor space at the Abbey Centre is slightly smaller than the current site the layout will be planned by a professional library designer to maximise usage of the space. They believe the relocation to the Abbey Centre will be beneficial and will be better than the current location. The public library area will be in one open, brighter space which will be more easily accessed.
DDC have offered to pay for the refit and refurbishment of the proposed new library space within the Abbey Centre. Moving to an alternative location would mean that NCC would have to fund any refit or refurbishment to make it fit for purpose to be used as a library.
Have your say
You can give them your views in a number of ways. Please visit their web site for all of the different ways you can give your feedback, including their online questionnaire.
This engagement closes at 5pm on 11 November 2018.