Statement of Community Involvement for the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan – Consultation
Statement of Community Involvement for the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan – Consultation
A draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) has been agreed as a consultation document by Daventry District , South Northamptonshire and Northampton Borough Councils. The Councils have embarked on a new Strategic Plan for West Northamptonshire and the purpose of the SCI is to set out how the Councils will engage with stakeholders and the public on the preparation of the Strategic Plan.
The draft SCI is subject to a six-week consultation period, the purpose of which is to seek the views of all interested parties on the content of the SCI and its proposals for engagement on the Strategic Plan. A copy of the draft SCI is available on the Joint Planning Unit’s consultation website: https://westnorthantsplan.inconsult.uk/consult.ti/WNSP_SCI/consultationHome
The consultation is open until Thursday 12th November at 5.00pm
Comments can be submitted online via the consultation website. Alternatively you can submit comments by:
Email: westnorthantsjpu@northampton.gov.uk
Post: West Northamptonshire JPU, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE
All comments received will be carefully considered by the Councils and changes may be made as a result, before the final version of the SCI is agreed.