Street Doctor to be replaced with Fix My Street from Tuesday 26 March 2019
Street Doctor to be replaced with Fix My Street from Tuesday 26 March 2019
Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) is closing down Street Doctor and moving everything over to a new system called Fix My Street. Street Doctor will be unavailable from around 5:00pm on Monday and the new system will go live at some time on Tuesday. Current reports will be moved over so they shouldn’t have to be resubmitted and the old report reference numbers should still work. Fix My Street is simpler to use and mobile responsive and it allows photos to be attached to reports. The new system will be available via links at Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) is closing down Street Doctor and moving everything over to a new system called Fix My Street. Street Doctor will be unavailable from around 5:00pm on Monday and the new system will go live on Tuesday. Current reports will be moved over so they shouldn’t have to be resubmitted and the old report reference numbers should still work. Fix My Street is simpler to use and mobile responsive and it allows photos to be attached to reports. The new system will be available via links at www.northamptonshire.gov.uk.