Unlocking the digital potential of rural areas research
Unlocking the digital potential of rural areas research by Rural England.
We have been sent the following details of their survey aimed at businesses operating in rural areas. It can be found at this link:https://ruralengland.org/unlocking-the-digital-potential-of-rural-areas-research/
“Digital connectivity, mobile working, Skype meetings and e-commerce have become the norm for many businesses and are hugely important to their efficiency and productivity.
Rural England – the not-for-profit research body which the RSN helped establish – is undertaking research on Unlocking the Digital Potential of the UK’s Rural Areas. This explores how rural-based businesses currently use digital (online IT and communications), how important it is to their business model, what constraints they face with digital uptake and what economic benefits could accrue if those constraints were overcome.
Central to this research is a questionnaire survey for businesses located in rural areas. Can you please help us to promote this survey to businesses in your local area. Rural England wants to hear from businesses in all sectors (from farms to tech companies), of all sizes (from sole traders to large enterprises), of all types (from PLCs to social enterprises) and of all ages (from start-ups to long-established firms).
Please consider how your local authority and its partners can help spread the word about this survey via newsletters, business networks and other communication channels. This is an important policy topic and there are plans to discuss the survey results with influential audiences in Parliament and elsewhere.
Please help us promote the survey: responses will be accepted until Friday 1st September.
All survey responses will be treated as confidential by the research team and businesses do not have to complete any survey questions that would identify them.
More information about the project, including Rural England’s research partner (Scotland’s Rural College) and its project funder (Amazon UK) can be found on its website: https://ruralengland.org/unlocking-the-digital-potential-of-rural-areas-research/