Weedon Road Smart Corridor – work starts 14 November 2016
This is one of three corridors being developed in Northampton with Central Government funding available until 2019. This is the first corridor to be built.
There will be lane closures, road closures and temporary traffic signals – Monday to Friday 07.30 to 17.00. Weekend and night work as required. Access will be maintained at all times for residents and businesses.
Information Events are being held on Thursday, 3rd November 9.30 – 6.30 at St. James Community Centre and Saturday 5th November 9.30 – 6.30 at Doddridge Centre.
To join e-bulletin mailing list for information and progress reports email rmiller@kierwsp.co.uk
“Providing access to live, digital information for customers to make better travel choices, whilst improving the infrastructure to improve journey times and highway capacity”.