What do you think of a Good Neighbours Scheme?
What do you think of a Good Neighbours Scheme?
People in Daventry are being asked for their support in setting up a scheme to support elderly, vulnerable and isolated members of our community
Daventry District Council (DDC) and Northamptonshire ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) are looking into the possibility of bringing a Good Neighbours scheme to the town
to replicate successful schemes running in some of the villages
The aim is to support neighbours to maintain a good quality of life, remain independent in their own homes if they wish to, and reduce their reliance on statutory health and care support systems
Please could you complete the short survey online here www.daventrydc.gov.uk/goodneighbours
The survey will run until the end of March
Paper copies are also available from:
DDC’s Lodge Road offices
Daventry Town Council, New Street
Daventry Library, North Street
Request by calling 01327 871100