Wormslade AD Plant – The Future
We’ve been informed that the group to discuss Wormslade AD Plant held the final meeting of AOWT on Tuesday 22 November in Clipston Village Hall and they wish to thank those who came and for their contributions to the discussion as to what happens next.
This is to inform those who were not there what happened.
“At the meeting we agreed that there is a need for a liaison team to open discussions with the developers, maintain links with the councils (County, District and Parish), and the various agencies (transport, Environmental Health etc) to ensure that there is a minimum disruption to our villages whilst the construction of the plant is happening and also after the plant becomes operational.
There was plenty of concern from those attending that the transport and odour issues that were the subject of many of the objection letters would be ignored when the plant was up and running.
Colin Brown, who is a resident of Great Oxendon, came forward to lead this team. Colin has worked for a major construction company for the last 40 years as a commercial manager both in the UK and Australia. He completely understands what is needed in the ways to communicate and work, collaboratively with the developer and the construction team. At the meeting and afterwards Colin has received some further offers of help from a number of you with relevant expertise.
The meeting voted unanimously, by way of a show of hands, that this was the preferred option.
This is the last newsletter that the AOWT team will send out. Christopher Young, David Wragg and I thank you all for working with us for the past four years. We have offered our continuing support to Colin and propose to remain in the background to support him in the same way others did for us back in October 2012.
The next newsletter will be from Colin and his new group – Wormslade Community Liaison Group (WCLG)”.