Christmas 2018 waste and recycling collections
Christmas 2018 waste and recycling collections
Households are encouraged to find out more about arrangements for waste and recycling collections over Christmas and New Year.
Collection schedules
Collections will continue to take place as usual over the Christmas and New Year period, except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day:
- If your collection is due on Christmas Day (Tuesday, 25 December) it will instead take place on Saturday, 29 December.
- If your collection is due on New Year’s Day (Tuesday, 1 January) this will instead take place on Saturday, 5 January.
Extra recycling collection
Your blue-lidded recycling bin will continue to be collected as usual over Christmas and New Year, with the addition of an extra collection for all households in the week beginning 7 January – please put your recycling bin out on your usual collection day alongside any other bins that are scheduled. Please also note that this extra collection is not listed on the paper calendar you received in June.
Extra recycling that you cannot fit it in your blue-lidded bin will also be collected during the festive period -please place items into clear or white bags (not black or green sacks) and put them next to your bin.
Don’t forget that a range of festive items can be recycled, including sweet tins, and foil-free wrapping paper and Christmas cards. As a good rule of thumb, wrapping paper that can be torn is probably made from paper and can therefore be recycled.
General waste
Black bins containing general waste will continue to be collected as normal on their three-weekly cycle. Please make sure you recycle as much as possible as side waste and bins with raised lids will not be collected.
Food waste
Food waste bins will continue to be collected on their usual weekly schedule. Please remember you can recycle leftover raw and cooked foods, including veg peelings, egg shells, out-of-date food, plate scrapings, solid fats, meat and fish bones. Please do not put any liquids in the caddy.
Garden waste collections
Those subscribed to the service will continue to receive collections on their usual schedule in the run up to Christmas and New Year. Please note there will be a short break in collections during the second week of January so that crews can focus on the extra seasonal recycling.
Christmas trees
Households subscribed to the garden waste service can put their real Christmas trees in their garden waste bin or alternatively place them alongside the bin for collection in the week beginning 22 January.
There are no communal collection points for real Christmas trees, but you can take trees to your local household waste recycling centre. Find your nearest centre at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling
Keep up-to-date with the mobile app
You can check your collection day and set up notifications to remind your which bins to put out using their mobile app.
Available for free from Apple’s App Store and the Google Play store, the app can also be used to access the latest news from Daventry District Council, as well as information about local facilities, services, shops, bars and restaurants.
If you do not have access to a tablet or smartphone you can check your bin collection dates on the calendar delivered to you in June, or on our website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling
Reporting a missed bin
Daventry District Council’s offices and Contact Centre will be closed from Christmas Day, reopening on Wednesday, 2 January. During this time waste and recycling services will continue and you can report a missed bin collection on our website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling