Consultation on draft Local Offer for Care Leavers
Consultation on draft Local Offer for Care Leavers
In line with new legislation, Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) will be publishing a ‘Local Offer for Care Leavers’ (also known as the “Offer”) showing all the services that the NCC provides to young people leaving care.
Working with a variety of people including young people in care they have developed Northamptonshire County Council’s Local Offer for Care Leavers (draft). They are now seeking the views of stakeholders (care leavers themselves and other interested parties) before they prepare the final document for publication in early 2019.
The final “Offer” document will be developed using feedback from the consultation and will be published on the Young Northants website (, but will also be available in a paper version.
How to have your say
Two questionnaires have been developed, one which is specifically for care leavers and one which is specifically for organisations and other interested people.
Before you answer the questions they ask that you read through the “Offer”, available on the Consultation Register.
This consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 28th November 2018.