What do you think a new Council covering West Northamptonshire should be called?
What do you think a new Council covering West Northamptonshire should be called?
Give your views on name for proposed new council
People in Daventry District are being encouraged to suggest possible names for a proposed new unitary council covering West Northamptonshire.
The Government is currently considering plans to replace the county council and seven current districts and boroughs with two new unitary authorities in Northamptonshire – one in the west and another in the north. The proposed new unitary authority in the west would cover the current areas of Daventry District, Northampton Borough and South Northamptonshire.
The Government has not yet decided on whether to proceed with the unitary proposal and is expected to launch its own consultation shortly before making a decision. However due to the tight timescale for creating the new councils by May 2020 if the proposal is approved, Daventry District Council and its partner councils in the west are continuing with preparations to help inform and shape any future legislation. This work includes proposing a name to the Government for Parliament to decide upon.
Residents and businesses in Daventry District are urged to give their views on what they think a new west unitary council should be called during an informal consultation running until Monday, 3 December.
They are being asked to respond to the following question: What do you think a new Council covering West Northamptonshire should be called?
They can submit their suggestions online at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/consultation
Alternatively they can submit their suggestions by post to:
LGR Naming Proposal, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP