Daventry District Landlord Forum 14 November 2018
Daventry District Landlord Forum 14 November 2018
Following a successful event in May, Daventry District Council will be holding a second landlords forum for local private landlords on Wednesday 14th November 2018.
The forum will provide a platform where news, views and experience can be discussed and also allow them to help and offer advice to landlords and managing agents on legislation changes, offer reasons for landlords to work with them, and help them to understand their obligations. The forum will also allow opportunity to network and liaise with private landlords within the Daventry District area. Attendance is free and open to all private landlords and managing agents who rent out their properties in the Daventry area.
They are asking for those that wish to come, make them aware by sending an email to environmentalimprovement@daventrydc.gov.uk