Christmas waste and recycling collections 2019
Christmas waste and recycling collections 2019
Residents across Daventry District are being offered support to recycle as much as possible over the Christmas and New Year period.
That support includes an extra collection of the blue-lidded recycling bins in the week beginning Monday 23 December, as well as a kerbside collection of real Christmas trees in January.
Details of the extra recycling collection, as well as day changes for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, are printed on the collection calendars which were sent to households across Daventry District in June, and can be checked at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling
However Daventry District Council (DDC) is reminding people of the following schedule changes:
- Collections which would have been due on Christmas Day (Wednesday 25 December) will instead take place on Saturday 28 December. Remember to also put your blue-lidded recycling bin out for its extra collection on this day.
- Collections which would have been due on Boxing Day (Thursday 26 December) will instead take place on Sunday 29 December. Remember to also put your blue-lidded recycling bin out for its extra collection on this day.
- Collections due on New Year’s Day (Wednesday, 1 January) will instead take place on Saturday, 4 January.
- There will be a short break in the garden waste service during the week beginning 23 December to allow crews to focus on the extra seasonal recycling.
DDC is also reminding people of the range of items that can be recycled in the blue-lidded bin, including sweet tins, and foil-free wrapping paper and Christmas cards. As a good rule of thumb, wrapping paper that can be torn is probably made from paper and can therefore be recycled.
If people find they have too much recycling for their blue-lidded bins they should put it in clear or white bags and place it next to their bin on collection day.
People are also advised to make good use of their weekly food waste collection, remembering it can be used to recycle leftover raw and cooked foods, including vegetable peelings, egg shells, out-of-date food, plate scrapings, solid fats, meat and fish bones. Please do not put any liquids in the caddy.
Black bins containing general waste will continue to be collected on a three-weekly cycle, and residents are reminded to make good use of the recycling services, as bins with raised lids will not be collected.
Residents can put their real Christmas trees out for collection in the week beginning Monday 6 January. They can be placed next to bins or – for garden waste service subscribers – cut up and placed inside the garden waste bin.
There are no communal collection points for real Christmas trees, but trees can be taken to household waste recycling centres.
People are also reminded they can check their collection day and set up notifications to remind them which bins to put out by downloading the Daventry District Council app for free from Apple’s App Store or the Google Play store.
For more information about recycling services and changes over the festive period, please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling