Community groups can access up to £1,000 to set up a Good Neighbour scheme
Community groups can access up to £1,000 to set up a Good Neighbour scheme
Daventry District Council continue to work with Northamptonshire ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) since 2016 to develop Good Neighbour Schemes across the district.
The aim is to support local residents to maintain a good quality of life and remain independent in their own homes if they wish to. They are established and run by local people to provide day-to-day support for residents who may need help on an occasional or regular basis.
“Good Neighbour Schemes help to bridge the gaps between vulnerable individuals with non-critical needs and the services that provide formal help, support and care” Elaine O’Leary, Chief Executive, Northamptonshire ACRE.
Community groups can access a grant of up to £1,000 to set up a Good Neighbour scheme in their village, as well as access advice and support from Daventry DC and partners at Northamptonshire ACRE.
For further information please contact Emma Parry, Community Projects Officer, DDC on (01327) 302418 or via eparry@daventrydc.gov.uk or visit Daventry District Council www.daventrydc.gov.uk/goodneighbours and/or Northamptonshire ACRE www.northantsacre.org.uk to view the local schemes up and running.