Look out for your new collections calendar
Look out for your new collections calendar
Residents are being encouraged to keep an eye out for their new bin calendars early next week as some will see changes to their collections from the end of this month.
The four-page leaflet gives details of waste and recycling dates for the year ahead, including changes to collection patterns for around 15,000 homes district-wide from the week beginning 31 August 2020.
Although collection days will not change, residents are asked to check their new calendars carefully as they may need to be put their wheelie bins out on different weeks to their current pattern.
Daventry District Council (DDC) is working with Daventry Norse to introduce the changes, which will simplify the rounds and make services more resilient to pressures such as those currently being experienced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Calendars are expected to land on doormats from Monday (24 August) onwards, with the changes being introduced for affected households the following week.
Alongside the new calendars, people can look up their collections by typing in their postcode in the search bar of the Council’s website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk or by downloading the popular free Daventry District Council app, which is available from Google Play and the Apple Store.
Councillor Jo Gilford, Daventry District Council’s Environment Portfolio Holder said: “With the ongoing pandemic putting pressure on services and resource, it was important to review the current waste and recycling collections to ensure they are as resilient as possible during these challenging times.
Working with our contractors Norse we have simplified a number of rounds, which will mean changes to collection patterns for around two-fifths of homes in the District, but no day changes for anyone. I would encourage everyone to look out for their calendars being posted next week and check them carefully.”