Covid Guidance from Northamptonshire Strategic Cooordination Centre
Covid Guidance from Northamptonshire Strategic Cooordination Centre
The latest information and guidance for the public is being shared at https://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/coronavirus-updates and if they access social media, our community can follow updates using the hashtag #NorthantsTogether
The current guidance in Northampton, Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough remains:
- Limit contact with others outside of your household or bubble
- Work from home if you can
- Keep 2 metres from others at all times, use a face covering where you are less than 2 metres apart
- Avoid using public transport or car sharing, wear face coverings if you cannot avoid these
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home, self-isolate and get a test
- Avoid meeting those outside of your household or bubble in an indoor space
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly for 20 seconds each time
- Do not share items with others outside of your household or bubble
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms, do not go to work, either work from home or report sick, self-isolate and get a test
- Even if you only have mild COVID-19 symptoms, get a test
- If you are contacted by test and trace and asked to self-isolate, stay at home for 14 days