Essential Maintenance work 1 June 2020, M1 Junction 18 to Junction 20
Essential Maintenance work 1 June 2020, M1 Junction 18 to Junction 20
Essential carriageway and bridge maintenance work to the M1 from the Crick interchange at junction 18 to the
Misterton interchange at junction 20. To minimise disruption to motorists two essential roadworks schemes will be delivered concurrently. This work will be carried out at night, whilst the road is at its quietest.
As part of this scheme, new specialist material designed to protect the structure underneath the road from water seeping into it will be used. By doing this scheme now, this will prevent more disruptive roadworks in the future. Also, approximately 2 miles of the road surface on the northbound and southbound carriageways will be replaced.
Once completed, the work will protect the structure of the Shawell Walcote bridge and provide a smoother journey for motorists.
The scheme is due to start on Monday 1 June 2020 and is scheduled for completion by end July 2020.
To minimise disruption to the local community, residents, businesses and road users, work will be carried out:
• between 10pm and 6am, Monday to Thursday
• between 10pm and 8am, Friday and Saturday
• between 10pm and 6am on Sunday
• from 10pm on Friday until 6am on Monday (full weekend closures are scheduled: southbound 5th – 8th June and northbound 10th – 13th July)
All planned roadworks may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
To maintain a safe environment for workforce and customers, they will work under full carriageway closures on the M1:
• southbound carriageway from junction 20 to junction 18
• northbound carriageway from junction 18 to junction 20.
To minimise inconvenience to road users, work will be carried out on one carriageway at a time.
During these full motorway closures we will put in place signed diversion routes which
will be agreed with the Local Authority. All carriageways will remain open throughout
the daytime.