Have your say on Temporary Accommodation Policy
Have your say on Temporary Accommodation Policy
People are invited to have their say on a policy which aims to ensure that people who are made homeless have access to suitable temporary accommodation.
Daventry District Council (DDC) has a duty to provide a temporary place to stay for people who awaiting the result of a homelessness application, or who are waiting for permanent accommodation having had a homelessness application accepted.
The draft Temporary Accommodation Policy 2020 sets out how DDC will go about achieving this in light of the increasing demand on the service.
It shows the criteria the Council will look at when deciding on the suitability of temporary accommodation as well as how it will go about assessing the needs, requirements and circumstances of those in need of help.
It also sets out the factors that will determine the suitability of a particular location, including access to jobs, school, and key services.
The policy aims to help everyone understand the way the Council assesses the suitability of accommodation for those who are homeless and in need of a temporary place to stay.
DDC is seeking the views on the draft policy from people who have experienced homelessness, as well as charities and voluntary organisations that work with the homeless.
Residents are also invited to give their views during the consultation period, which runs until 4pm on Monday 10 February.
People can view the draft policy and submit comments by visiting www.daventrydc.gov.uk/consultation
Alternatively a printed copy of the policy can be viewed at DDC’s Lodge Road offices.