NCC Consultation with Carers
NCC Consultation with Carers
Public Health and Adult Social Care at Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) are currently carrying out a joint strategic needs assessment looking at the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of carers in Northamptonshire, in order to help to inform the future planning and commissioning of carers’ services. A carer is anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.
NCC wants to include the voices of as many of the estimated 73,000 Northamptonshire carers as possible. They know that many carers do not see themselves in that role, while many others, particularly working carers, struggle to juggle their caring and working lives.
In January and February NCC will be running focus groups to hear the views of working carers. If you are a carer and currently working, then NCC would very much like to hear of your experience. Groups will consist of no more than 10 people and will be facilitated by staff from Public Health and Adult Social Care.
NCC understand that not all carers wish to advertise their caring role so if carers would rather talk to them directly on a one to one basis then this would be fine. For any further details please contact Hayley McKagan, or 07921 403870.