Local Area Partnerships – Update
The whole of Northamptonshire is divided into “Local Area Partnerships (LAPs)”, which predominantly focus on health and wellbeing. There are 7 LAPs in North Northamptonshire and 9 in West Northamptonshire Council. The LAPs “bring together many local organisations to ensure health and care services are better co-ordinated and focused on the needs of each area they serve. By working together with each other and with local communities we can design services that really make a difference, to help you, your family, and your neighbourhood, live your best life.” You’ll find all the details for the North LAPs at https://vcse-ics.co.uk/north-northamptonshire and for the West LAPs at https://westnorthantsliveyourbestlife.uk. Visit the websites to find out which LAP your council sits in and how you can get involved.
Maidwell sits under Rural North – https://westnorthantsliveyourbestlife.uk/rural-north/