Northants Acre Good Neighbours Scheme chat on zoom 24 June 2020 at 10.30 am
Northants Acre Good Neighbours Scheme chat on zoom 24 June 2020 at 10.30 am
Northamptonshire ACRE are hosting an informal zoom chat and coffee to chat about the fantastic Good Neighbours Schemes.
Across Northamptonshire over 30 groups have become registered Good Neighbours Schemes! If you are a community group carrying out neighbourly support, there are loads of benefits of joining them!
- Free advice and resources
- Funding available to help support your group
- Funding advice
- Become part of a wider community, connect to other groups to share ideas and support each other
- Regular coordinator meetings via zoom so you can meet and chat to fellow group coordinators
To join the conversation:
Topic: Find out more about Good Neighbours
Time: Jun 24, 2020 10:30 AM London
Meeting ID: 885 3052 9318
Password: Hello
To find out more, or if you need some help with zoom please contact Jennifer.hedges@Northantsacre.org.uk