Paint means Poo campaign Poo Bag Offer by Daventry District Council – be quick
The Parish Council did consider providing dog waste litter bins, however, after looking into this, the cost implications were prohibitive. Legislation has clearly shown that responsibility lies with the owner, who must clean up after their dog or face a fine, and it therefore was apparent that the cost of providing and emptying bins would not have to fall to the residents.
As part of the Paint means Poo campaign, Daventry DC has joined up with Pets at Home at the Abbey Retail Park in Daventry to offer a free 15-bag roll to the first 50 people who call into the store quoting quoting Daventry District Council’s Paint Means Poo campaign.
Further details can be found at: . https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/your-council/news/free-bag-giveaway-in-support-of-dog-fouling-campaign-23-09-16/