Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011-2029 – Documents available to view
Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011-2029 – Documents available to view
Daventry District Council adopted the Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) at its meeting of Full Council on 20th February 2020. The Part 2 Local Plan replaces all of the remaining saved policies of the 1997 Daventry District Local Plan and supersedes policy H6 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy. It now forms part of the development plan for Daventry District.
Copies of the Part 2 Local Plan, Policies Maps, Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal documents are available to view from the following website:
Hard copies will be available for inspection at the following locations during normal opening hours from the week of 24th February:
- Daventry District Council Offices, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP
- Brixworth Library, Spratton Road, Brixworth, NN6 9DS
- Daventry Library, The Abbey, Market Street, Daventry, NN11 4XG
- Long Buckby Library, Station Road, Long Buckby, NN6 7QB
- Moulton Library, Moulton Community Centre, Reedings, Moulton, NN3 7AX
- Woodford Halse Library, Village Hall, Woodford Halse, NN11 3RL
Please see a copy of the Adoption Statement for your information.